Capital2's Blog

Recruitment and Career advice for the High Tech and Banking Industries

What happened in Q1 then?

So, slightly late, but here’s a run down of how Capital2 Solutions did in Q1 of 2011.

In terms of NFI (Net Fee Income) we were well ahead of our yearly target, and are on course to go through last years total turnover by the half year point if we can replicate that performance in Q2.

We opened a new Paris office on the prestigious rue de Castiglione in the 1st Arrondissement, and hired a senior recruiter, Antoine Do Chhong to head up our efforts in the French capital. Our aim is to have a much bigger team there by mid 2012, so watch this space.

We also hired another senior consultant to work in our Sophia Antipolis office, and have signed terms with some major new clients that should enable us to increase the volume of placements we make on a quarterly basis significantly.

All things considered it has been a very good start to the year. Our challenge is to carry on this level of success through the (traditionally rubbisg – for us anyway) Q2 and ensure the momentum carries on!!

April 28, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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