Capital2's Blog

Recruitment and Career advice for the High Tech and Banking Industries

Euro 2008 Well done Spain and what else is new?

With all the excitement of the football and the recently passed half year mark the blog has fallen by the wayside recently……….. sorry folks.

But well done Spain! For once the best team in the tournament actually won the tournament and all round we feel this is a great thing for International Football. Attacking creative footy won out against big brutes and defensive formations! Superb.

So what’s new here in the wonderful world of Capital2?? Not much to be honest, we’re still trying to fill various commercial roles in banking and software across Europe as well as trying to run and expand our business so we’re pretty busy.

H1 performance was light, but H2 is looking strong and if our forecasting and projections are correct we should be in good shape to continue to grow in 2009 – on croise les doigts.

Don’t forget to check out our website

July 1, 2008 - Posted by | Capital2 |

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